When it comes to web page performance, many developers and designers know how important it is, but may have a hard time convincing either their clients or management to invest the resources into making it a reality. So, if you’re in that situation, how do you convince the powers that be to make performance a priority?

Improving a site’s performance can take time and resources, so for many decision-makers there will need to be a clear business case for making the investment. For instance, how will the speed of the page impact revenues, or customer engagement or conversions? To make this case, you will often need numbers and case studies, and so here are few that may be of help.

Case Studies

General Statistics

  • A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. If you do the math, an e-commerce site making $100,000 per day would potentially lose over $2.5 million in lost sales every year for ever 1s page delay ($100,000 x 7% x 365).
  • Mobile pages that were just one second faster experienced a 27% increase in conversions.
  • When shopping, 40% of users will abandon a website that takes more than 3s.
  • 79% of shoppers dissatisfied with the performance of a site are less likely to buy from the same site again.

Relation to Search Engine Visibility

Google has been using page speed in its ranking for a while, but now is also considering mobile-friendliness as a major factor. Since performance is one aspect of ‘mobile-friendliness,’ this means that performance is only continuing to grow in importance for search result rankings. For most businesses, search visibility is a huge deal, which, by implication, means that avoiding poor page performance is also a huge deal.


For a visual look at some of these statistics, and many more, here are some helpful infographics:

Making the Case

Although selling performance is not always easy, hopefully some of these statistics can help make the case for the business value of optimizing our sites. Even though some of these studies are a few years old now, it’s important to remember that consumers haven’t gotten less demanding in recent years. If anything, they’re more demanding. And therefore it’s in the best interest of any business to make sure performance is a priority when it comes to its online presence.